Friday, October 28, 2011

1st time blogging through iphone

Heyhow ppl,,
Apakabar semuaa *berasa penontonnya banyak*
Udah lama pin ngeblog,tapi blom sempet dikarenakan gak ada waktu...umm lebih tepatnya males ....hehehe
Eh tapii berhubung skrg ada aplikasi blog di iphone,gak ada salahnya akupun mencoba ngeblog disini.
So this time, i try to write on my post throught my iphone.
Am so thankful that tecnology understand what we need. EASINESS. Alias g mau susah dan beribet2 dengan ini itu.
How i adore technology, even they have 2 side like a coin, they could turn to bad thing or good thing. It depend on us, on how muh our knowledge about technology, or more specifically how much we well educated to use technology.

Sekian dulu post hari iniii,,krn mau ngelanjutin bikin keynote speech buat ci boss, yg aku pun tak mengerti harus menulis apa dan memulai dari mana. But somehow it challenge me.

Dengan mengucapkan bismilahirahmanirrahim aku mau melanjutkan menulis *lebih tepatnya mengarang* keynote speech

Ciao ppl

Thursday, January 6, 2011

la la la am starting to love this song

this gonna be my 1st post on my ummmm 4th blog address that i dont even remember whats the name of my blog or my password.

for the 1st appearance am gonna post this ne-yo song, kinda love this song, since sang this song in our karaoke time.

since i made this posting on my hectic work schedule, so i'll be signing off for awhile.

see ya later.

ps: i only posting a blog in my off time . tsahhhhh :p

enjoy reading it.